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In and Between  4.1' x 2' x 2' each

Stoneware clay, sand, acrylic paint, original writing

This project is one of three works that make up my undergraduate thesis. In and Between grapples with my body’s inability to contain my whole spirit in one place: while physically in Boston, part of my soul remains in Thessaloniki, inextricably linked with my mother, my land. When home, part of my soul remains in Boston, at my first ever apartment, at the heart of my partner. I am unable to carry one life over from one place to another, my two lives never converge. The two amphoras stand-in for Thessaloniki and Boston, the sand stands-in for me, the infinite little pebbles that make up my experience, memories, spirit. As the sand pours out of the vessels, the containers, the land, fail to hold, but at the same time reveal writing on the inside of the amphoras. These processes are forever linked, parts of me get lost for the sake of communication, connection, translation. I let the sand leave the vessels and fall somewhere in between, lost in translation, lost in the journey of getting back home.

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